I had PRK again - yes AGAIN! 1 year and one day after the first surgery.
How did I come about all of this? Check out my channel about having a degenerative disease. I was diagnosed with RA instead of Lupus through the magic of genetic testing. Curious about your background? Look into 23andMe. No they don't tell you what disease you have, but they will tell you where you are from and if you don't know your biological background like me it helps. I have a discount code in the footer!So why did I have it done again? Well the first time didn't go over so well there was a major regression 10 days after the six month mark where I regressed to 20/40 vision very rapidly. They let me know they wouldn't be able to do anything until full gear to see where I was at.
That became increasingly worse as the year came to a close for me. At that point I knew I had to have it done as soon as possible. I went and got a second opinion asking what happened is this normal and if it's not now what?
That became increasingly worse as the year came to a close for me. At that point I knew I had to have it done as soon as possible. I went and got a second opinion asking what happened is this normal and if it's not now what?
I'm happy to tell you that I did get some answers. Is it normal? Yes and no but that majorly depends on who you are. Are you somebody who had extremely bad I say to begin with or an auto immune disease or some sort of degenerative situation? If so then yes this is very common if not then no it's not common at all. I have a degenerative auto immune disease and had a high prescription before any of this started. The progression of my rheumatoid arthritis has increased rapidly as the months have gone on since the first diagnosis.
The surgeon let me know it was uncomfortable the first time but the second time it's going to be more than I'm comfortable for a few days. And let me tell you, boy was he right.
The pain that I had for the next two days made me regret redoing the surgery again. Before going in for the second surgery I said that if I had to do it a third time I would. 24 hours after that I knew there was no way I would ever be able to do this again. The amount of scar tissue, the sensitivity of the nerves the second time around and the recovery time were all more.
I'm now two weeks out exactly from the date of the second surgery and some days are better than others just like the first time. However, I recovered what I felt like was faster after The first week in comparison to my first week the first time around. Now, that may be because I'm used to having not the crispest vision or maybe it really is something that happens.
The second time around my eyes were less dry although I still fall of the same regimen with the drops as I always had. But the doctors had no complaints like they did the first time around about the bandage contact lens being too dry and it looked like I was in putting in any drops at all when I knew I was religiously.
I definitely don't regret doing it a second time. However if I would've known what the pain was going to be like the first two days I'm not so sure I would've gone through with it as quickly as I had.
Eye Vlog