Too Faced Hangover Primer Review...flop

Let me begin by saying that primer is not for me. The silicone versions break me out terribly and usually make the dry parts look weird.
I have dry skin even though I live in one of the most humid states.

When I saw Too Faced had a new primer that was silicone free and had a hydration claim I had to try it. I knew it might end up being gimmicky - but what if it wasn't? You know? I just had to find out for myself.

Smooth, Radiant and Hydrated skin. - Yes please!

I did like that it had a pump and that it looked like a squeeze tube so you really can use up every last bit of this because it wasn't cheap. $30 for something that you will run out of quickly is not a plus in my book so I need to be able to use it all up.

The thing is it didn't break me out which was great. But that's all that happened.

It didn't improve the wear or look of my foundation or my skin.
I felt like I but another layer of Olay moisturizer on.
Still saw pores, still looked dry 4 hours later, definitely not dewy!
Thank god I use Revlon Colorstay for normal/dry skin because at least it can hold its own in Florida.

I tried using less. I tried using more. I noticed nothing. AT ALL!

This is scent-free, basic, regular ass moisturizer in a cool tube with no SPF.

It went back to where it came from with a note attached to it of disappointment from me.

Sorry Too Faced but this isn't an RX for anything. The only benefit I saw is I didn't get crazy acne from trying it out.
 Not a major flop, but still a flop for me.